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We’re excited to see you!


 This course is specifically designed for new interior designers who have either recently graduated or switching careers (like me!). If your business is 1-3 years old, this is for you. In this course, we discuss the following five topics that I think are critical for any new designer, managing a business.

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  • Topic 1: Defining your Dream Client
  • Topic 2: Setting Proper Boundaries and Expectations
  • Topic 3: Pricing and Fee Structure
  • Topic 4: Setting up your Online Presence
  • Topic 5: Industry Standards

My endeavor is to offer a transparent perspective of managing an interior design firm, and give real life applications on how to successfully manage your business. I’m excited to share with you. Let’s get started!

Defining Design
One time

A guide for new interior designers who want to enhance the client/designer experience. ****Special bonus**** The next 10 people to sign up get a free 30 minute zoom call with me!